Coronavirus, First Funds from Methodist and Waldensian Churches Allocated

Rome (NEV CS/11), 22 April 2020 – Mediterranean Hope, in particular the initiative in Piana di Gioia Tauro, is among the projects to be allocated funds from the first tranche from the Methodist and Waldensian Churches for the Covid 19 emegency.  So reads a note from the Waldensian Board, published below.

“The Waldensian Board (the governing body of the Union of Methodist and Waldensian Churches) has finalised its allocation plan for the first tranche of the €8M Otto per Mille funds earmarked for the Coronavirus emergency.”

A note published on confirms that these funds will go to healthcare support, whilst the second tranche will be allocated towards social and financial reconstruction once the emergency phase has passed.

The initiatives financed so far will be used, in the first instance, to acquire equipment and kit for use by medical and nursing staff in the Giovanni XXIII  and Alpini hospitals in Bergamo, the civilian hospitals in Brescia, hospitals in Pesaro and Jesi, the International Protestant Hospital in Genoa and the Protestant Bethania hospital in Napoli Ponticelli.

Help is also going to support nationwide and local medical services, not only as a means of preventation (with regard to a possible explosion of infection arising from the impoverished conditions in which some sectors of the population live) but also, in the short and medium term, as a means of ensuring continuity and adequacy of treatment outside hospitals.

Financing for this second type of project has already been provided for numerous care homes in the area between Fabriano, Jesi, Senigallia and Ancona; for informal settlements in the countryside in the province of Foggia; for those with no fixed abode and other vulnerable people in various districts of Rome.

This stage should shortly be completed with contributions on two other fronts. The first is an important initiative developed by the Mediterranean Hope project of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) in the informal settlements in Piana di Gioia Tauro, ticking timebombs ready to explode at any moment with devastating effects for a region such as Calabria with a fragile healthcare system.

“A second front has been opened in the province of Turin in the area around Pinerolo, the Germanesca, Chisone and Pellice Valleys where”, explains Alessandra Trotta, Moderator of the Waldensian Board, “the rootedness of our churches, their continuing presence, and – thanks to our diaconal organisation – the operational capacity which we have, make us feel particularly well-placed to offer a major contribution to local services providing support for the emergency.

 This framework of initiatives will be completed by doubling funds made available to local churches for community diaconal projects geared at providing food and other basic necessities the neediest groups in the population.  Furthermore, in various parts of Italy, apartments or facilities which can accommodate those who, for various reasons, cannot self-isolate or convalesce in their own home will also be made available”.

The complete list of projects already financed and realised is available on